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Cancellation Policy

  • Users are advised to cancel their order, before the order is shipped.
  • Any Cancellation request after shipping will not be entertained.
  • Some products are not eligible for cancellation, buyer discretion is advised while placing the order.
  • Cancellation will not be accepted after expiration of seller’s cancellation period.
  • Customers returning COD Products that are not eligible for cancellation are liable to pay an applicable logistics fee.
  • Refunds to the returned/canceled orders will take a stipulated time period of minimum 14 days.
  • Cancellation/Refund Amount are fixed solely at the discretion of the vendor, cancellation charges vary for each product. Please contact customer care to know the detailed cancelation charges for a product.
  • Cancellation charges may include cancelation charges, logistics fee, QA fee and other transactional charges which are levied on the user.